Tag: gospel

Light of the World in Genesis : The Days of Genesis are Symbolic of Ages of Time

Light of the World in Genesis : The Days of Genesis are Symbolic of Ages of Time Religious and uninspired men do not understand the creation account of…

The Gospel of Cain

False teachers and judaizers often preach the gospel of Cain. They speak lies in hypocrisy. They claim to love god by offering the fruit of the ground as…

You Are What You Eat – Habitual Sin Will Not Send You to Hell – Only One Sin Dooms You to Death

When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge, it was the first bite that condemned them to die. … Every bite after the first taste is irrelevant. They didn’t get to live by ceasing from ‘habitual eating’ of the fruit, just as you don’t get life by ceasing from ‘habitual sin.’

Opt Out of Babylon – Leave the Church : Voting Won’t Save Us and God Does not Need Your Help to Save Souls

Voting is not going to fix this world. All men must turn to faith in Jesus. Not faith in the church. Not faith in the pope. Not faith…