Genesis is not History: Genesis is Prophecy : Light of the World in Genesis : The Days of Genesis are Symbolic of Ages of Time (part 2)

This is an explanation and addition to the article linked herein. [link] The Genesis creation began at the cross of Jesus Christ rather than at some primordial…

BBQ Translation of the Brimstone Bible

Behold the BBQ Translation of the Brimstone Bible! The BBQ Bible Version is the unofficial yet official Bible translation of the hellfire and brimstone cult. I have chosen…

Light of the World in Genesis : The Days of Genesis are Symbolic of Ages of Time

Light of the World in Genesis : The Days of Genesis are Symbolic of Ages of Time Religious and uninspired men do not understand the creation account of…

Heaven in a Bucket : The Telemarketing Wing of Babylon : Branded Religious Providers : Internet Influence Activities

Devils will sell you heaven in a bucket. Many corporations farm out their support and sales to third-party companies with call centers. The corporations provide the scripts for…

The Gospel of Cain

False teachers and judaizers often preach the gospel of Cain. They speak lies in hypocrisy. They claim to love god by offering the fruit of the ground as…

THEOCAPITALISM And The Sale of Incendiaries Versus the Divine Clock or Zodiac

The stock market in hell shows sales of fire extinguishers and charcoal on the rise. The devil is selling charcoal and fire extinquishers to the slaves of religion….

Spooky Soul Sleep Refuted by the Bible

Soul sleep is the novel idea, originating recently in history, that when a man dies his soul ceases to exist. The cults twist the meaning of a few…

The conquered are taught that they are free.

The conquered are taught that they are free.

Bile for Billionaires: If We Hate the Fat Cat yet Abuse the Runts of the Litter are We any Better than the Fat Cat?

A fediverse user wrote: “… they say we should get money out of politics, i think ideally we should keep billionaires out of anything that actually matters at…

Fascist Callousness and Duplicity of Corporations Caused by Debt-Based Monetary Economy and the Rat Race

Corporate callousness is a direct result of the debt-based monetary system of the entire world, and of the specially constructed debt hypothecation system in the USA. As the…

You Are What You Eat – Habitual Sin Will Not Send You to Hell – Only One Sin Dooms You to Death

When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge, it was the first bite that condemned them to die. … Every bite after the first taste is irrelevant. They didn’t get to live by ceasing from ‘habitual eating’ of the fruit, just as you don’t get life by ceasing from ‘habitual sin.’

Those who Manufacture Your Beliefs are Your Rulers: Evolution is Ancient Devil Worship Dressed up for Today

The cult of evolution is a Trojan horse crafted to make Christians proclaim, “We have no king but Caesar!“ It is said that, “Knowledge is power.” This is…


BIG SIG v 144 – THE NIGHTBULB BIGNATURE FILE Quips and quotes to grab your goats. — NightBulb | | Flip the night switch. [144] And you…

The Unpardonable Sinner Exposed (Part Two)

On 12/12/21 5:26 PM, Robert wrote: […] > Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, > and blasphemies wherewith soever…

The Unpardonable Sin Defined (Part One)

The article below is a Usenet post. It shows the ignorance of Christian religious zealots regarding the “unpardonable sin.” It defines the unpardonable sin according to the doctrine…

Homemade Yogurt Made Easy and Cheap

I made a batch of homemade yogurt. It is nearly finished. The necessary ingredients are two tablespoons of fresh plain, unflavored yogurt that has just been opened, and…

Law of Monetary Maggotry : Rotten Money Makes Rotten Men

Is your nation eating pig milk? Pig milk will turn you into a piglet. Debt-based money is rotten. Corrupt currency is money manacles. Debt instruments are monetary maggotry….

PACK ATTACK : Create Repackaged Debian Files From a Running Linux System

This script creates .deb archive packages for all the programs currently installed on a system. Download link: Pack Attack – Repackage Debian Archives #!/usr/bin/env bash # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Pack…

Sodomite Churches : Using the Church to Reproduce Pedophiles : Pedophiles Reproduce by Raping Kids

The reason so much evil is creeping into the church is because of the ungodly leadership structure of the churches. Jesus and the Apostles prohibited the Pastoral model….

Anthony Fauci is America’s Medical Mohammed : Medical Muzzle Face Coverings are a new Religious Obedience Ritual

Note how swiftly America converted to Islam by adopting muzzle face coverings. Or may I say Anthony Fauci is the Medical Mohammed of a new sect we should…


It’s time for millions of us to be relentless scrooges until these woke companies all go bankrupt. Many patriots speak of boycotting Coca-Cola for its support of woke…

Rebuke, Reject, and Expose Those Who Assume Authority over You

The current technocratic rule by experts is Catholicism disguised as progressivism, having its analogue since the days of Martin Luther to the present. Luther knew the jig. The…

The Rapture is Now : Get out of the Church Brothel Before You Burn With It : Escape the Spiritual Slag

A gab poster going by the nickname @MommaBear99 asked me what I believe about the rapture. I debunk the rapture here and urge Christians to flee Mystery Babylon,…

README – Alt Mockingbird Fake Truth – The Alternative Spins are Still Spins

This is pinned on my gab profile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ README – ALT MOCKINGBIRD WANK or FAKE TRUTH This post contains important information. Don’t follow me unless you have read…

Opt Out of Babylon – Leave the Church : Voting Won’t Save Us and God Does not Need Your Help to Save Souls

Voting is not going to fix this world. All men must turn to faith in Jesus. Not faith in the church. Not faith in the pope. Not faith…

Prophetic Pandering to The Church of the GOP Cult : Mark Taylor is a False Prophet Who Replaces Worship of GOD with GOP Worship

The scripture gives simple formulae for marking false prophets. “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” [Matthew 24:11] “… when a prophet speaketh in the…

Vaccines are Spirit Cooking for the Masses

Vaccines are Spirit Cooking for the Masses

Touche! I’ll see your name-calling and raise you one horde.

Touche! I’ll see your name-calling and raise you one horde.

Letter to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis : Vaccine Passports are Medical Apartheid

Subject: Help us help you to presidential potential To: Honorable Governor DeSantis: I just read your executive order banning COVID-1984 passports. Your posting of this order is…

Frogs in Repeating Prophecy : How Frog Memes Echo an Ancient Plague

Prophecy repeats in different ways. I will illustrate after this scripture verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done…