Tag: lake of fire

THEOCAPITALISM And The Sale of Incendiaries Versus the Divine Clock or Zodiac

The stock market in hell shows sales of fire extinguishers and charcoal on the rise. The devil is selling charcoal and fire extinquishers to the slaves of religion….

The Rapture is Now : Get out of the Church Brothel Before You Burn With It : Escape the Spiritual Slag

A gab poster going by the nickname @MommaBear99 asked me what I believe about the rapture. I debunk the rapture here and urge Christians to flee Mystery Babylon,…

Opt Out of Babylon – Leave the Church : Voting Won’t Save Us and God Does not Need Your Help to Save Souls

Voting is not going to fix this world. All men must turn to faith in Jesus. Not faith in the church. Not faith in the pope. Not faith…