Month: April 2021

PACK ATTACK : Create Repackaged Debian Files From a Running Linux System

This script creates .deb archive packages for all the programs currently installed on a system. Download link: Pack Attack – Repackage Debian Archives #!/usr/bin/env bash # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Pack…

Sodomite Churches : Using the Church to Reproduce Pedophiles : Pedophiles Reproduce by Raping Kids

The reason so much evil is creeping into the church is because of the ungodly leadership structure of the churches. Jesus and the Apostles prohibited the Pastoral model….

Anthony Fauci is America’s Medical Mohammed : Medical Muzzle Face Coverings are a new Religious Obedience Ritual

Note how swiftly America converted to Islam by adopting muzzle face coverings. Or may I say Anthony Fauci is the Medical Mohammed of a new sect we should…


It’s time for millions of us to be relentless scrooges until these woke companies all go bankrupt. Many patriots speak of boycotting Coca-Cola for its support of woke…

Rebuke, Reject, and Expose Those Who Assume Authority over You

The current technocratic rule by experts is Catholicism disguised as progressivism, having its analogue since the days of Martin Luther to the present. Luther knew the jig. The…

The Rapture is Now : Get out of the Church Brothel Before You Burn With It : Escape the Spiritual Slag

A gab poster going by the nickname @MommaBear99 asked me what I believe about the rapture. I debunk the rapture here and urge Christians to flee Mystery Babylon,…

README – Alt Mockingbird Fake Truth – The Alternative Spins are Still Spins

This is pinned on my gab profile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ README – ALT MOCKINGBIRD WANK or FAKE TRUTH This post contains important information. Don’t follow me unless you have read…

Opt Out of Babylon – Leave the Church : Voting Won’t Save Us and God Does not Need Your Help to Save Souls

Voting is not going to fix this world. All men must turn to faith in Jesus. Not faith in the church. Not faith in the pope. Not faith…

Prophetic Pandering to The Church of the GOP Cult : Mark Taylor is a False Prophet Who Replaces Worship of GOD with GOP Worship

The scripture gives simple formulae for marking false prophets. “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” [Matthew 24:11] “… when a prophet speaketh in the…

Vaccines are Spirit Cooking for the Masses

Vaccines are Spirit Cooking for the Masses

Touche! I’ll see your name-calling and raise you one horde.

Touche! I’ll see your name-calling and raise you one horde.

Letter to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis : Vaccine Passports are Medical Apartheid

Subject: Help us help you to presidential potential To: Honorable Governor DeSantis: I just read your executive order banning COVID-1984 passports. Your posting of this order is…

Frogs in Repeating Prophecy : How Frog Memes Echo an Ancient Plague

Prophecy repeats in different ways. I will illustrate after this scripture verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done…

Free Speech Alternatives to Avoid Social Media Censorship

If you know of an option not listed here, please reply on the Gab thread with descriptions and links. I will check them all out and add the…

Vaccinate the Government with a Dose of Truth Serum

Your Voice is the Shot Heard Around the World

The Government is the Virus. Your Voice is the Cure.

We don’t need a vaccine. We need to vaccinate the government with a shot of truth.