•alternative propaganda
•Andrew Torba
•Anthony Fauci
•BBQ Bible
•BBQ Bible Translation
•bible bureaucrats
•big pharma
•body of Christ
•Brimstone Bible
•caste system
•Catholic Church
•Charles Darwin
•chinese communist party
•command line
•controlled opposition
•economic slavery
•e pluribus unum
•Erasmus Darwin
•eternal life
•eternal torment
•executive order
•fake news
•fake truth
•false doctrine
•false prophets
•free speech
•gender dysphoria
•great commission
•habitual sin
•Hitler wank
•holy ghost
•holy spirit
•homestead tax
•income tax
•intelligent design
•Internet Influence Activities
•Islamic Law
•Jehovah's Witnesses
•Johnny Cirucci
•knowledge is power
•lake of fire
•Law of Moses
•manufactured dissent
•Mark Taylor
•Martin Luther
•mask ritual
•medical apartheid
•Medical Burqa
•Medical Mohammed
•monetary system
•Mystery Babylon
•operation mockingbird
•PAC money
•pepe the frog
•property tax
•public school
•queer agenda
•rat race
•real estate tax
•Ron DeSantis
•ryot tenure
•Scientism Stockholm Syndrome
•Seventh-day Adventists
•Shuria Law
•social credit
•social media
•social networking
•soul sleep
•spirit cooking
•synagogue of satan
•Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
•Tree of Life
•Trump wank
•truth wank
•unpardonable sin
•vaccine passports
•virtue signalling
•vox populi